IS06 - Simulation and Experimental Validation of Metal Additive Manufacturing Processes on Part-scale III
Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Christoph Meier (Technical University of Munich)
Chaired by:
Prof. Christoph Meier (Technical University of Munich , Germany)
Prof. Christoph Meier (Technical University of Munich , Germany)
Scheduled presentations:
Immersed space-time hp-finite elements for heat evolution in laser powder bed fusion
P. Kopp*, E. Rank, V. Calo, S. Kollmannsberger -
Validation of multiple aspects of a holistic PBF-LB/M modelling and simulation chain at particle scale
B. Dietemann*, T. Najuch, A. Butz, C. Bierwisch -
Simulation of the laser metal deposition process using meshfree methods
X. Tang*, C. Weißenfels, P. Wriggers -
Stretch and Stress Distributions in Arterial Wall with Residual Stress Based on Riemannian Stress-Free Configuration
K. Takamizawa*