SIM-AM 2023


Computationally Efficient Beam Model Compensation Strategy for Lattice Structures Design

  • De Biasi, Raffaele (University of Trento)
  • Benedetti, Matteo (University of Trento)

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Additive Manufacturing has sparked growing interest in the industrial field for its ability to produce components with high design freedom and efficient material usage. Lattice structures, which repeat a unitary millimetric cell, are one example of this design freedom, allowing for tuning of mechanical properties through cell parameter manipulation. However, due to the complexity of the design phase, lattice structures are not fully explored in the industry. Finite Element simulations are lacking in accuracy and efficiency, hindering the characterization of final product properties. Several authors [1,2] have developed simplified FE simulations techniques using beam elements for strut-based lattice structures, which are computationally efficient and suitable for optimization routines in the design process. However, beam models do not capture the stiffening effect given by nodal regions. Compensation models, which increase the strut's diameter near nodal locations, have been proposed but most are focused on an a posteriori compensation strategy, where the lattice components are manufactured and tested. This work proposes an a priori compensation method where the compensation coefficient is computed through a minimization routine comparing the mechanical properties of a homogenized solid model (reference) and a homogenized compensated beam model, both available in the design phase. The designer can freely choose lattice parameters and iterate to meet product requirements. This approach improves the accuracy of lattice structure design, enabling more widespread use in industry.