SIM-AM 2023

Fluid Flow-Based Topology Optimization of Internal Channels of a LPBF-Manufactured Calibrator Side Lath

  • Gallego-Bordallo, Fernando (Siemens Industry Software NV)
  • Erdelyi, Hunor (Siemens Industry Software NV)
  • Six, Wim (Deceuninck NV)
  • Marco, Iñigo (3D Systems)
  • Van Hooreweder, Brecht (KU Leuven Mechanical Engineering Department)

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One key advantage of Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) Additive Manufacturing processes is the vast design freedom they allow. This geometrical flexibility allows more room for non-conventional design features that can improve the performance of the component or add extra functionalities otherwise not possible. Topology Optimization (TO) and Lattice Optimization tools are used to enable light designs while satisfying certain mechanical constraints. However, the industrial use of TO involving fluid flow and thermal applications is yet scarce. Iterative design methods involving the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and/or experimental work are normally needed. In this scope, a recently developed CFD-based TO methodology is tested on design spaces with thermal constraints. In this work, this methodology is presented with an industrial case study. The goal of this analysis is to optimize the thermal behavior of a calibrator side lath by designing appropriate internal cooling channels. The TO-derived design is then adapted to comply with the LPBF inherent manufacturing constraints, and the final geometry performance is assessed.