SIM-AM 2023

Modelling Tools and Use for Digital Quality Control in Wire-Based DED AM

  • Ding, Jialuo (Cranfield University)
  • Sun, Yongle (Cranfield University)
  • Chen, Xin (Cranfield University)
  • Haghighi, alrireza (Cranfield University)
  • williams, stewart (Cranfield University)
  • suder, Wojciech (Cranfield University)

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Wire-based Direct Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing (w-DEDAM) process is known for its ability to provide high deposition rates and maintain excellent material integrity. This process typically utilises energy sources such as arc, laser, or a combination of both. In this presentation we will discuss the use of r range of different modelling tools dependent on application to support the innovation of the w-DEDAM process. Multiple digital models have been developed in Cranfield University with varying levels of complexity and fidelity to assist in the understanding and optimisation of the w-DEDAM process. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models provide detailed information and physical insights into the process behaviour, including accurate predictions of the interactions between thermal fields, melt pool development, and bead formation. Efficient finite element (FE) models can provide quick predictions of the thermal field, which is critical for process design. In recent years, a bi-directional analytical model has been developed to efficiently predict and control bead geometry. In addition, a knowledge-based model has been developed that combines both physics-based and data-driven models to provide bi-directional predictions with thermal information. These models have proven to be highly useful for the development of the w-DEDAM process and are powerful tools for digital quality control. Furthermore, these models have been extended for use in the innovation of welding processes as well.