SIM-AM 2023


Sensitivity Analysis of Materials Properties in Multi-Physics Modelling of Electron Beam Melting

  • Granhed, Erik (GE Additive)
  • Snis, Anders (GE Additive)

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A thorough understanding of the melt pool dynamics is crucial in the development of scan strategies for electron beam powder bed fusion (EB-PBF). The melt dynamics are influenced by beam parameters, such as spot size and volume energy, but also materials properties, such as recoil pressure, surface tension and latent heat. The latter properties vary between materials and influence the solidification conditions, which in turn lead to different solidification conditions for different materials. By the help of simulations, it is possible to investigate how the melt pool dynamics and solidification conditions are influenced by variation of materials properties. A deeper understanding of the effect of the materials properties improves transferability of process parameters between different materials, but can also serve as a guidance for materials design for AM. In the present contribution we use a micro-scale multi-physics model with temperature dependent materials properties [1]. By turning physics on and off in the model, as well as by varying the materials properties we make a sensitivity analysis of the melt pool dynamics and solidification conditions with respect to materials properties and level of physics included. We also investigate to what extent an adjustment of beam parameters can compensate for the change in materials properties. [1] A. Zakirov, et al., Predictive modeling of laser and electron beam powder bed fusion additive manufacturing of metals at the mesoscale, Additive Manufacturing (2020) 35: 2214-8604.